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"A Woman's Corner"  


“A Woman’s Corner” is a non-profit series B teaching enterprise and Global online community service. AWC offers FREE online personal development resources and interpersonal communication skills for women, and women in transition. By strengthening "our" family structure from within, we can collectively be inspired to re-build "our" communities one-woman-at-a-time and literally change society from the fundimental level of family. 

AWC is self-supporting through memberships A - G, contributions from sponsors, pro bono and in-kind services. AWC offers advertising and marketing for its Business members at a nominal fee.

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Global community service for women and women in transition,

AWC can be translated into 64 languages and is viewed all over the world

A. A $45 AWC Individual Membership will provide discounts from participating vendors, which are not availible to the general public.   

OR, an AWC Supporter Membership with a donation in any amount will have the privilege of posting a Resume / Bio / Profile on the Resume Posts link, but will not be enrolled in the discount vendors initiative.  

NOTE: The AWC Women's Giving Circle is a BARTERING exchange of services available to all Memberships. However, AWC does not assume any liability for theBARTERarrangements and is not responsible for the accuracy or inaccuracy of the BARTER posts, delivery or acceptance agreement. 

B. The $75 AWC Business Membership will automatically list your business on the e-Commerce Members link, together with your email and website for easy customer access. Each business location will be listed separately on the e-Commerce Advertising link, and you will be requested to offer discounts of services to AWC members listed on the e-Commerce link and Series "A" Individual Membership.  

Optional: Your AWC Business Membership allows your company to be represented at all events that AWC participates in. A nominal fee of $45 per Registration / per Event is requested to off-set the expense incurred for administrative support and promotional materials.  

And, to say "Thank You" to you for your support, as an on-going effort to help you to promote your business as a separate Advertising and Marketing promotion, AWC will include your Business Card on the AWC Marketing Ring distributed as a courtesy to AWC members only

Optional: To assure that your company receives the greatest visability on the world wide web, rather you have a website or not, AWC can build an online web page that will capture the essence of your business and beautifly promote on the Internt. If you already have a website AWC will hyperlink your website to you AWC webpage. 

  • $500 with graphics, original text, and no hyperlinks . Table of Contents N/C

  • $750 with required research, narritives, and hyperlinks . Table of Contents N/C

  • Hosting: $25 Annually

C. An $225 AWC Professional Membership entitles your company to all of the benefits of a Series “B” Membership, including the following added enhancements: 

Optional: An AWC Professional Membership allows your company to be represented at all events that AWC participates in for a reduced fee of $25 per Registration / per Event requested to share the expense incurred for administrative support and promotional materials. 

Optional: Your AWC Business Membership will allow you to subscribe and have your business showcased on the AWC . "Our Community in Review", and the "A Women's Health and Well-being", link for an annual subscription price of $75 per link per year.  

Optional: To assure that your company receives the greatest visability on the world wide web, rather you have a website or not, AWC can build an online web page that will capture the essence of your business and beautifly promote on the Internt. If you already have a website AWC will hyperlink your website to you AWC webpage. 

$500 with graphics, original text, and no hyperlinks . Table of Contents N/C

  • $750 with required research, narritives, and hyperlinks . Table of Contents N/C
  • Hosting: $20 Annually
  • D. The $350 AWC Corporate Membership has all of the benefits of a Series “C” Membership with the additional benefit of your business will be listed on the AWC . "Our Community in Review" and the "Women's Health and Well-being" links at a 50% + reduced fee of $35 per link per year.

    Optional: An AWC Corporate Membership allows your company to be represented at all events that AWC participates, for a nominal fee of $15 per Registration / per Event is requested to share the expense incurred for administrative support and promotional materials.  

    Optional: To assure that your company receives the greatest visability on the world wide web, rather you have a website or not, AWC can build an online web page that will capture the essence of your business and beautifly promote on the Internt. If you already have a website AWC will hyperlink your website to you AWC webpage. 

    $500 with graphics, original text, and no hyperlinks . Table of Contents N/C

  • $750 with required research, narritives, and hyperlinks . Table of Contents N/C
  • Hosting: $15 Annually
  • E. The AWC Corporate Sponsor Membership is a suggested donation in any amount of $500 and above. It has all of the benefits of a Series “D” Membership, and in addition to your business being showcased FREE on all AWC marketing links, including "Our Community in Review" and "Women's Health and Well-being", your company will also feature its own online Advertising and Marketing AWC Web page hosted FREE , and will have exclusive domain in your industry category, as well as having your Business Card included on the AWC Marketing Distribution Key Ring.

    The additional benefit in selecting the Series “E” AWC Corporate Sponsor Membership is it provides the opportunity to participate in the AWC .Apprentice Project Internship Programs, where applicable, and entitles your company to develop, promote and market its services, products and/or activity within the online/onsite AWC Living Essentials, Wellness, and Personal Development Program (where available) which is an extension of The AWC Apprentice Project. 

    The Series E Corporate Sponsor Initiative allows each element of the initiative to be developed as a separate College Internship program (for Credit or Community Service) that you can tailor to meet your company's individual goals and objectives. The AWC Living Essentials, Wellness and Personal Development Program I thru XX is an extension of the AWC Apprentice Program self-directed internship. (*) See the AWC Internship Projects . Link for more details

    Optional: To assure that your company receives the greatest visability on the world wide web, rather you have a website or not, AWC can build an online web page that will capture the essence of your business and beautifly promote on the Internt. If you already have a website AWC will hyperlink your website to you AWC webpage. 

    $500 with graphics, original text, and no hyperlinks . Table of Contents N/C

  • $750 with required research, narritives, and hyperlinks . Table of Contents N/C
  • Hosting: FREE . Annually
  • F. BARTER of services ... $45 Registration fee / per Entry

    will be requested to share the expense for administrative support, promotion materials and your Business Card included on the AWC Marketing Ring distributed as a separate promotion

    And, to say "Thank You" to you for your support, as an on-going effort to help you to promote your business as a separate Advertising and Marketing promotion, AWC will include your Business Card on the AWC Marketing Ring distributed as a courtesy for AWC members only.

    G. For NON-PROFIT Organizations $45 AWC Non-Profit Annual Membership your agency will have all of the benefits of a Series "D" AWC Corporate Membership with the following eexceptions: 

    Optional: The AWC Apprentice Project Internship Program . Subject to certain conditions

    Optional: Subject to all conditions of a Series "F"BARTER of services ... 

    MLM. A $75 MULTI - LEVEL MARKETING Membershipper annum. Memberships will be adjusted an additional $5 per downline listings, excluding yours. i.e.

    $5 for 1-5 additional listings

  • $10 for 6-10 additional listings
  • $15 for 11-15 additional listings
  • $20 for 16-20 additional listings
  • $25 for 21-25 additional listings, etc. 
  • Your total Membership will become the bases for promoting your Multi-level marketing downline organization, but is restricted from soliciting sales or sponsorship from other online AWC Members. Any violation will void your membership and forfeit any remaining subscription fees. 

    Each MLM membership will entitle you to begin creating a reproductive residual income from the MLM link, and allow you to be listed on the AWC e-Commerce Directory within the MLM marketing category series.  

     And, to say "Thank You" to you for your support, as an on-going effort to help you to promote your business as a separate Advertising and Marketing promotion, AWC will include your Business Card on the AWC Marketing Ring distributed as a courtesy to AWC members only 

    "A Woman's Corner"

    "Women change the World Everyday ..."

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