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"Women Change the World Everyday ..."

"A Woman's Corner"

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Women don’t become what they want, they become what they believe ...

You can tell what a woman wants ...

If you don't stand for something, you will

settle for anything ...

The reward is the deed. Otherwise, you will become tired, angry, or bitter; and feel unappreciated without ever experiencing the joy of unconditional giving.

by what she has ...

If you want to know someone intimately,

listen to how they speak about others.

What they say is an accurate introduction

and assessment of their own character ...

The AWC Workshop Series is coming soon ...

  • We don’t become what we want, we become what we believe

  • If you don’t stand for something, you will settle for anything

  • You grow like who you’re with. If you are an Apple, be an APPLE, don’t try to be an orange, or a grape

  • The end result will always reflect the quality of effort that goes in

  • Every obstacle is an opportunity, and every hardship is a blessing

  • The reward is and has to be in the deed. Otherwise you will become tired, angry, or bitter, and feel unappreciated without ever experiencing the joy of the task

  • Non-forgiveness is like taking poison and expecting the other person to die

  • If you can’t commit to something big, then commit to something small

  • You never get a second chance to make a first impression

  • God gave everybody something, and nobody everything

  • You can tell what a person wants, by what they have

  • If you want to know someone intimately, listen to how they speak about others

  • We learn from what we teach

  • Everything we do is a practice shot, and every time we practice we get better

  • If you do what you love, and love what you do – you will never work a day in your life. 

"Women Change the World Everyday ..."

"A Woman's Corner"

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