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About Us

Welcome to Good Works, Inc.

A Portrait of Good Works by Bryn Gillette We are a Christian nonprofit organization which exists to improve the living conditions for low-income families in Chester County, PA. We transform substandard houses into warmer, safer, and drier homes; and despair into hope. Our services are offered to homeowners at no cost and volunteers do most of the repairs. Our goal is to see the inhabitants of these homes rise above their level of poverty and experience a richness through being cared for and knowing that their circumstances matter to their community. We believe that everyone benefits when people from different races, cultures, and backgrounds join together in a common purpose.

Help us Meet our Match Crowdfund...

A portable man-lift is a critical piece of safety equipment for our staff. Help us to match the funds already received!

Whom We Serve

We assist low-income families and individuals who are below 200 percent of the federal poverty level and reside in the Good Works service area of Chester County, Pennsylvania. Applicants must own and live in their homes for two years before applying. They are screened carefully through an application process including an initial intake form, a home visit by a volunteer, verification of all income sources, and a credit check. Most of the homeowners we assist are elderly, single parents, and individuals with physical disabilities.

Organizational Type

Good Works, Inc. is a 501(c)(3), nonprofit organization founded in the state of Pennsylvania in 1988. We are governed by a Board of Directors, presently consisting of 14 members. 

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